Mount and blade warband windowed
Mount and blade warband windowed

mount and blade warband windowed

Pretty much the same thing for the directx files. regardless what I do, windows just writes over it again.

mount and blade warband windowed

I pulled the mouclass.sys file off the Acer and have tried in vain to get the Compaq to use it. Unfortunatly, I don't know how to update the mouclass.sys file as it's protected by windows. and I noted that even though both are running the same version of directx9, the Acer has more recent versions of alot of the actual dll files associated with DX and also the windows mouse driver mouclass.sys and I'm thinking that's the issue. So I started looking at the differences in the two machines. It runs the game fine enough in fullscreen (with the exception of the mouse pointer) but it slows down when run in windowed mode as i said. My compaq isn't a super machine either, 1.8ghz ,128mb vmem (from the Vcard), 1.1g Ram, and i set like 3gb VRAM (pagefile). but it was all intended just to test anyway. So even though it runs the game, it's incredibly choppy even on the lowest visual settings. I set the paging file to 300mb which is really low. I only say because after everything there's less than 500mb. I ve pretty much removed everything I could, leaving about less than 2~gig. also it only has a 7~gig disk which with all the XP files and other crap leaves barely any room for anything. It has a small monitor, less than 1 gig RAM, and 1.6ghz processor. However the Aspire isn't a gaming machine. After having the pointer issue on the Presario, I installed the game on the Aspire. I have two machines, a Compaq Presario desktop (primary comp) and an Acer Aspire Netbook someone gave me. Unfortuanatly for XP users, no one responds with anything other than "update your drivers." The game company only has a forum for "tech support" but they don't actually respond to alot, have an official troubleshooting section, and basically just use the forum to try and find bugs and then release patches. If I run in windowed mode, everything works fine, but the game is slow and clunky as it was meant to run in fullscreen. The mouse functions, and the game reads/reacts to inputs, but the cursor will not follow. THe Problem is, when in true fullscreen, the mouse pointer doesn't move. I recently bought a game called Mount & Blade Warband. Basically I'm posting here as a last ditch effort.

Mount and blade warband windowed